Friday, April 20, 2012

Natural Gas/Energy

America is endowed with a wondrous supply of natural resources but, more specifically, natural gas. America simply has more natural gas then anyone knows what to do with. Most would think this is a good thing but, on the contrary, there is so much that there is nowhere to put it, and thus natural resource extraction plants are left abandonded and those promised jobs are in fact losing jobs because there is not enough demand for the immense supply. This leads to the question of exporting the natural gas. If their was a limit on natural gas exports, then the demand would increase, one could limit the supply, and as a result it would cost more per export. These raises in cost could keep the natural gas companies alive in the US. The reason for the skeptical mindset, however, is that many people still do not believe that there is as much gas in the ground as people say. Finally, however, the issue of natural gas is one that resolves around the pocket book. Lawmakers will have a hard time voting against the export proposal when their constiuencies have a high unemployment rate and energy prices go up to attack their pocket books. If we have to rely on imports then both will experience rapid growth. If drilling is continued, but limited to benefit the American market place, then the opposite will occur. Unfortunately, this will result in retaliation from other countries, especially other countries that control the world's oil and other products of energy.

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