Monday, June 4, 2012

Game Change 5-8

Hilary is known by many for having a good political background and name recognition is there. However the name also has bad rep with Bills past scandals coming to bite her in the but. The media depicted her as a psycho who wanted power and after reading this book I believed it.  Bill tried to stay out of the campaign but he was supportive always going with her to events and his want for a dynasty was always there. However he made it clear it was her campaign. Not to mention. Her own staff realized this woman is not fit to be president.(Didn't mean to sound sexist.)
While Obama was more human i believe, the day of Iowas primary he was relaxing with his friends but not cause he thought he had in the bag but because to enjoy a battle they just went through. While Hilary was campaighning trying to win so desperatly pouring so much money into this state. It showed how the public wanted Obama and this election was one you couldn't buy. It came down to who the public liked and they wanted CHANGE so they went with Change.

1 comment:

  1. I think there is a very fine line between voters evaluating a candidate based on how they carry themselves in their personal life versus how they carry themselves in public affairs or office. I weigh a candidate’s personal values and ethics heavily when considering them as a potential presidential candidate, because ethics hugely shape policies. Most voters want to relate in one way or another with the candidate, “Does he believe in the same things as I do?”, “Is he/she a good parent?”, “What is her/his family life like?” etc. While I agree that, even if someone is allegedly not a “good or faithful husband” it doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t be a good president, it is very easy to discredit a candidate because of scandals like those. Because of the media, we are so much closer to candidates and scandals than ever before- and for the Clintons this makes a political nightmare. The name “Clinton” on one hand represents political experience and success, also represents scandal and infidelity on the other- so much so that many of Hillary’s advisors were trying to manage the separation of Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton as a political move.
